Book Pages

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tell The Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt

How I Heard About It:   I was talking books with a co-worker (which I do a lot) and was telling him about a couple of the last few books I had read.  He told me about this book.  I of course went home and downloaded it on my Ipad and read it! 

What It Is About:  The story takes place in the mid 80's when AIDS is becoming a real health issue in our country.  June and Greta are high school girls living outside of New York City.  Their Uncle Finn lives in the city and has AIDS.  June has a special relationship with her Uncle and is devastated when he passes.  She meets his friend Toby and her life is forever changed.  The story tells of the friendship between June and Toby and also of her relationship with her older sister Greta. 

What I Thought Of It:   I truly enjoyed this novel.  It well written and the story flowed from page to page.  The characters were real and I enjoyed getting to know them.  It was quite interesting to read about this time in our history and how AIDS was looked at and reacted to.  We have come a long way.  There was a soft feel and tone to this story.  It draws you into it and doesn't let go until the very last page.  Even after the last page the characters are still with me. 

Who Should Read It:   This book is for anyone that enjoys a great and powerful story about people, about life, about relationships, and about understanding.  I think any reader at the high school level or above would enjoy this story.  This is a debut by Brunt and is simply an amazing story.  Please hit the bookstore or download this book now.  I know you will not be disappointed.   

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