Book Pages

Monday, September 4, 2017

Dear Martin by Nic Stone

How I Heard About It:  Another ARC that I was able to read because of  my #bookexpedition group on Twitter.  This has been one of the best "groups" that I've joined.  I've enjoyed the books, but more than that I've gained so much from the connections I've made with these other readers.  

What It Is About:  Justyce McAllister decides to write letters to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  He is a senior at a very prestigious high school.  Justice is torn between his "black" world and his "white world".  He uses these letters to process experiences he is growing through and hopes these letters will help him be the man he wants to be; much like Martin.  One night he sees his former girlfriend alone and drunk.  He tries to help her get home safely and ends up in handcuffs by a white police officer.  Once this situation is resolved, Justice life gets more and more complicated.  His mother and "guys" from the neighborhood are in conflict with his friends and teachers at the academy.  While he and a buddy are in a car, they have another "run-in" with a while cop and Justyce's life is altered forever.  

What I Thought Of It:  What a story!  I absolutely loved it.  The format of the book was interesting and engaging.  Parts of the story were set up in dialogue/play format.  Parts were in letter format that Justice wrote to Martin.  In other sections there were newspaper articles reporting what was going on with the high school kids and race.  It was a quick read and I found there were not any spots where I wanted to close the cover and come back to it later.  Each chapter needed with a "cliffhanger".  There were so many elements in the story that really made me stop and think about what was going on and how these same events are happening in the real world.  This is definitely a novel that needs to be read by young-adults and adults alike.  

Who Should Read It:  I can see this story being shared in high-school classes across our country.  It would tie in so closely with many current events that our country has been witness to.  Adult readers would also find it a powerful and meaningful reading experience.  Happy Reading!  

Rating:  4 STARS out of 5 Stars

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