Book Pages

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Once There Was by Kiyash Monsef

How I Heard About It:
*I saw this novel written up somewhere and the review intrigued me.  I decided to listen to the story via Audible.

What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
*Marjan is a high school girl who has lost both her mother and father.

*Her father has left her his veterinarian business which she knows very little about.  

*As Marjan settles into her new existence without her father, she begins to realize there is a lot she didn't know about him.

*When a strange visitor arrives one day, Marjan's world is turned upside down.

*She is thrust into an unknown world with an array of creatures she never knew existed.

What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:

*As soon as I began to listen, I began to wonder what age group this story was geared toward.  The target audience was stated as ages ten and up.  My impression was the story was geared toward an older readers.

*The story line was a bit complicated and I found myself not always engaged in the audio.

*There were sections of the story I enjoyed, most particularly Marjan's relationships with some of the other human characters.  

*The sections that revolved around the creatures didn't interest me.  

*I'm not a huge fan of fantasy type stories and this plot wasn't for me, but I'm sure there will be many readers out there who will enjoy.  The ratings online are all top-notch.

Who Should Read It:

*As I mentioned, online sites state the book is geared toward ten years old readers and above.  Throughout the entire story, I kept thinking it was more of a young-adult novel.  Marjan is fifteen years old.  I would recommend the book for the middle-school and high-school reader.  Happy Reading!

   3 STARS out of 5 Stars

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