Book Pages

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Wrong Way Home by Kate O'Shaughnessy

How I Came Across It... *After reading The Lonely Heart of Maybelle Lane and Lasagna Means I Love You, I was excited to read this author's third novel. The novel was released on April 2, 2024. What It's About - Five Things You Need to Know... *The only life Fern really remembers is living at the Ranch.

*The Ranch is run and "ruled" by Dr. Ben.

*During the middle of the night, Fern's mother wakes her and tells her they are leaving the Ranch.

*After driving through the night, Fern and her mother end up in small ocean side town.

*Fern is upset about leaving the only place she has even known, but now must adjust to a new normal while trying to figure out why they left their "home". What I Thought of It - Five Observations/Reflections... *One aspect of Kate O'Shaughnessy's novels that I appreciate is how different each story is from the one before it.

*This plot grabbed my attention and I was quite curious about what the Ranch was and why Fern and her mother were there.

*The transition between life on the Ranch and life in the "regular" world was described with heart, grace, and truth.

*The development of characters once Fern and her mother settled in the new town was quite a strength of the overall story.  I enjoyed reading about them and getting to know them.

*The "climax" of the plot was quite exciting and provided for several turn the page moments.
Who Should Read It... *I would think the best audience for the story would be readers in grades five and above. I especially think the middle-school student would relate to Fern's adventure and conflicting feelings about her living conditions. If you have read O'Shaughnessy's earlier books, I'm sure you will enjoy this story as well. Happy Reading!

4 out of 5 stars

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