Book Pages

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Strange Thing Happened in Cherry Hall by Jasmine Warga

How I Came Across It... *A member of my #bookexpedition book sharing group sent me the ARC of Jasmine Warga's upcoming middle-grade novel. The mystery will be released on September 10, 2024. What It's About - Five Things You Need to Know... *A painting gets stolen from the art gallery in which Rami's mother works.

*While at the museum, Rami sees the girl from the painting, but she isn't in the painting.

*A turtle named Agatha knows who stole the painting.

*A new friend of Rami's joins forces with him to solve the mystery of the missing painting.

*As they search for clues, Rami's past and present move closer and closer together. What I Thought of It - Five Observations/Reflections... *I was excited to receive the ARC in the mail as I'm a huge fan of Jasmine's and have enjoyed all of her previous novels.

*From page one, I knew I was in for a special story and it sure was.

*I loved the plot and how different it was from Warga's other novels.  

*Not only was this a strong mystery, but also a unique, special, and magical story.  

*Rami and all of the supporting characters were interesting, incredible, heart-felt.

Who Should Read It... *I know I will be sharing this story with my upcoming fourth-grade class. The book is perfect for fourth grade readers. The novel could also be used in third grade along with fifth graders. I know it will be received well by all children because it is such a great story. Happy Reading!
5 out of 5 stars

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