Book Pages

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Surprise Sunday #4...

Surprise Sunday - Scholastic Warehouse Sale

*This year has been a year of many "firsts".

*Yesterday I drove 45 minutes to check out my first Scholastic Warehouse Sale.

*Oh my GOSH!  What an incredible place.  I was in complete heaven.  I was overwhelmed.  I was like a kid in a candy store.

*I gave myself a budget/limit because otherwise there would have been no stopping me.

*It was great to walk the aisles, find books, and know exactly who in my class would be so giddy to know I brought in a copy of a particular book.

*How have I missed this event for so long?   You can be sure that I will be going back this spring!

*Here is a little look at my adventures at the best sale I've ever been too...

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