Book Pages

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Power of Community...

*For the last two days, our local radio station hosted its annual radiothon.

*All the money raised goes to one of our local children's hospital that treats children with cancer and other illnesses.

*Having dealt with cancer myself back in 1997, this cause hits close to home.  And of course being a teacher, children hold a dear spot in my heart.

*I also learned today that a former student of mine lost his battle to cancer this week and died at the age of sixteen.  What a loss!  I can still picture his beautiful smile and awesome personality.

*Zach Sobiech (a Minnesota teenager) lost his battle with cancer last year.  He composed a lot of music during his illness.  One song in particular became a major hit.  It is called "Clouds".

*His parents donated a check to the radiothon today from money raised by the song Zach recorded.  The radio station also gathered 5,000 people to form the largest "CLOUD CHOIR" ever!

*I want to dedicate this post to Zach, to my former student, and to all the children who are dealing with cancer and/or illness.

*My heart is with you...

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