Fourth Grade Journey

A Fourth Grade Teacher's Journey Through the World of Books

Monday, May 27, 2024

I Cheerfully, Refuse by Leif Enger

How I Came Across It... *We chose this novel for our staff book club for the month of May. One staff member knows Leif so we are going to be able to Zoom with him during our book club. I read Peace Like a River years ago which I enjoyed, so I was looking forward to reading his latest work of fiction. What It's About - Five Things You Need to Know... *I believe the story takes place in the future, but not exactly how far into the future.

*I know the main character Rainy has "lost" his wife and sets out on his boat on Lake Superior to find her and/or find answers.

*While on his boat, Rainy comes across a variety of situations and people all of which adds to his journey.

*He is definitely in search of something, but I was never quite sure exactly what.

*This new "world" is full of danger and dangerous people, but Rainy keeps his eye on the future and his goal. What I Thought of It - Five Observations/Reflections...
*This was a very different type of story and I'm not sure I "got" it.

*I really tried to engage with the characters and what was happening with them, but I found it difficult to do so.  

*There were moments/chapters that I found myself saying, "Ok, now I'm enjoying this, or now I get it", but then the plot would continue in a different direction and lose me.  

*The writing was beautiful, complex, and unique, but sometimes I found it going over my head.

*Toward the end of the story I found myself scanning so that I could finish the book.  
Who Should Read It...
*Many readers have given this novel either 4 or 5 stars. It wasn't for me, but that doesn't mean it won't grab other readers and bring them into a futuristic world of survival, love, and betrayal. Happy Reading! Rating... 3 out of 5 stars

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