Fourth Grade Journey

A Fourth Grade Teacher's Journey Through the World of Books

Monday, May 27, 2024

Telephone of the Tree by Allison McGhee

How I Came Across It... *An online reading "friend" recommended this middle-grade novel when it was an ARC. I was lucky to be able to download an E-ARC via NetGalley. Based on the title, the cover, and of course the author, I knew I was in for a special story. What It's About - Five Things You Need to Know...
*Ayla and Kiri have always been best friends. Always!!!

*The bond over many things, but mostly they bond over their love of trees.

*When Kiri goes away, Ayla must adjust her daily life while she "waits" for Kiri's return.

*With the separation of the two best friends, everyone on the neighborhood street is thrown off and not quite sure how to react to Ayla.

*When a telephone appears in Ayla's tree, she is sure it is a sign that Kiri will return by her 11th birthday. What I Thought of It - Five Observations/Reflections...
*I knew from the get-go this was going to be a memorable, special, and unique story.  And it was!

*The writing was sparse, but each word, sentence, and section was filled with emotion, heart, and soul.

*I so enjoyed getting to know each of these characters and the special bond they had for each other.

*The mystery of the telephone added greatly to the already engaging story.  

*This is the type of novel I will return to in order to read it again and/or share with a group of readers.  
Who Should Read It...
*I look forward to using the book with my fourth grade class next school year. I think it is the perfect story for readers in grades four, five, and six. It would also be wonderful for a group of middle-school students. Adult readers would also be completely drawn into the story. Happy Reading! Rating... 5 out of 5 stars

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