Fourth Grade Journey

A Fourth Grade Teacher's Journey Through the World of Books

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Fourth #ABCT (Adult Book Club on Twitter) Announcement...

How #ABCT Came About:   This idea first came about this past November.  I thought it would be wonderful to have a book club full of teachers, librarians, educators, and people who just LOVE to read.  Our first book was Life Among Giants by Bill Roorbach.  Our second book was Me Before You by JoJo Moyes.  The third book was Schroder by Amity Gaige.  Life got busy and I had to take a break from the book club, but I'm thrilled to be back with our fourth book club selection   

The Invite Sent Out:  It is my hope that with each #ABCT we get more and more readers involved in this book club.  I invite all Twitter readers to join us for this fourth book club selection.  It has been a slow start, but I know we can grow this seed of a book club and take it further than I can even imagine.  So please, spread the word and let's get as many readers as we can reading these incredible and powerful adult novels.  When I say adult novels, I'm talking about "grown-up" novels! 

Fourth Book Chosen:   I'm excited to announce our fourth book club selection for this summer.  It is my hope that many of us will have a little extra time to read this adult book.  The book is called Big Brother by Lionel Shriver.  During the last couple of weeks I have seen many reviews and press about the book.  I have not read anything by Shriver, but have heard excellent things about her.  I'm going on a family cruise at the end of this week and plan on reading this book on my Ipad while out on the seas!     

When is the Book Club:    I'm thinking our #ABCT discussion will be sometime at the end of July or beginning of August.  I know once August hits we all start thinking about getting back to our full-time jobs in our schools.  I will do some poking around Twitter and see if Lionel Shriver is out there and if she would like to join us for the Twitter book club discussion.  It is great to have another selection before us and I hope many of you will join us! 

The #ABCT (Adult Book Club on Twitter) will be on Thursday, August 1st at 7:00 PM CT.  Hoping to see many of you there...

*Hopefully all the information you need is presented here, but if I'm missing something, please feel free to Tweet me.  I want this book club to work for all involved!  Grab a copy of this book and HAPPY READING! 

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (6/24/13)

**I am back after a few weeks away from the blog.  It was a busy end of the school year and a hectic start to summer.  I'm hoping now that things have calmed down I can get back to my blog and especially my Monday posts...

Thanks to Jen and Kellee for hosting this idea on their site.  Here is a link to their site...

Books I Read this Past Week...

Rump by Liesl Shurtliff

*This was our last read aloud of the 2012-2013 school year. 

*It was a great way to end our year together. 

*5 Stars out of 5 Stars   

Twerp by Mark Goldblatt

*4 Stars out of 5 Stars

Pi in the Sky by Wendy Mass

*3 Stars out of 5 Stars! 

And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

*This is my first adult book of the summer.

*I so enjoyed his first two novels. 

*I'm hoping this one is just as good! 

Books I Will (continue to) Read This Coming Week...

The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer

*Just started this epic novel, but I believe it is going to be a good one!

*It has been reviewed in so many places, I couldn't pass this one up. 

And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

The Barftastic Life of Louie Burger by Jenny Meyerhoff

Middle School:  How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli, and Snake Hill by James Patterson

*Going to try to read this one over the next two weeks.

*I'm thinking of using it for my read aloud during summer school. 

Big Brother by Lionel Shriver

*This is going to be the next #ABCT book club selection.

*See my post about this book for more information.