How I Heard About It: This beautiful novel came to me via the publisher. I was taken by the cover and title. I brought this along on a summer vacation and completely enjoyed it.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Flor and Brooke are best of friends and can't wait to enjoy their summer vacation together. When Brooke goes off to camp, Flor isn't sure what that means for her summer.
2. *When a pageant opportunity forces Florence to enter, she isn't thrilled. She is especially concerned after being paired with her "enemy" Candice.
3. *The two girls must work together to perform a talent. They both have personal reasons for entering the pageant and have to decide what it is they are going to do to WIN because there is a monetary reward.
4. *The girls get paired up with Mr. Henry who is the crabby rich man up on the hill. After some manual work, they become interested in his Bee raising and collection.
5. *They take this new Bee knowledge with their ambition, while letting go of their past issues to forge forward, to win grand prize of the HONEY pageant.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *While I thought this was going to be a story about "frenemies", it was so much more than that.
2. *The story of Florence and her family was thoughtful, tender, and real. I liked that they had real life problems and that those issues affected each member of the family differently.
3. *I also liked how Candice was presented as the "enemy" but turned out to be so much more.
4. *Mr. Henry was a fascinating character and I enjoyed reading about his back story. He sure was multifaceted.
5. *The topics of bees and "beards" was a new one to me and I was fascinated by the ins and outs of this "industry".
Who Should Read It: The story of Flor, Candice, and even Brooke was one that I know many young readers will enjoy. The plot, characters, and emotions of the story have so much to offer children. The novel would be appropriate for kids in grades four through six. I also know that adult readers that read middle-grade novels would also enjoy the story. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Book Pages
Fourth Grade Journey
A Fourth Grade Teacher's Journey Through the World of Books
Friday, June 28, 2019
The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Rauf
How I Heard About It: A friend of mine from Penguin Random House sent me a collection of upcoming books for me to read this summer. I grabbed this novel and brought with me on my summer vacation. The book will be released in August of 2019.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *This is a story about four students that are best friends and in the same class.
2. *When a new student arrives, the four of them have many questions and wonderings about the boy.
3. *He doesn't look like everyone else. He doesn't say a whole lot. He isn't able to attend all the school activities. He has an adult with him most of the day.
4. *After some investigation, the children find out he is a "refuge". This is a new term for these kids and they set out to learn all they can not only about the new student, but what it means to be a refuge.
5. *They find out the boy has been separated from his parents and sisters. The four of them take it upon themselves to see if there is a way to reunite this family.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I just loved the cover of this book. The title was also intriguing.
2. *As I got into the story, I appreciated that the children were in the lower elementary grades and dealing with issues of refugees and being new to a country. The story was told on a level that young readers could understand.
3. *The main character was endearing and such a sweet child. It was wonderful to read about someone who so wanted to include and get to know another person.
4. *Even though the focus of refugees and being separated from loved ones was a serious one, the author did a wonderful job of including humor and light moments throughout the story.
5. *The themes of friendship, survival, acceptance, and countless others are spread out on each and every page of this important story.
Who Should Read It: What I appreciate about this book is that it could be shared with students in grade two through six. The plot unfolds in a way that all of these readers/listeners could understand the importance of understanding what it is truly like to be a refugee. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *This is a story about four students that are best friends and in the same class.
2. *When a new student arrives, the four of them have many questions and wonderings about the boy.
3. *He doesn't look like everyone else. He doesn't say a whole lot. He isn't able to attend all the school activities. He has an adult with him most of the day.
4. *After some investigation, the children find out he is a "refuge". This is a new term for these kids and they set out to learn all they can not only about the new student, but what it means to be a refuge.
5. *They find out the boy has been separated from his parents and sisters. The four of them take it upon themselves to see if there is a way to reunite this family.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I just loved the cover of this book. The title was also intriguing.
2. *As I got into the story, I appreciated that the children were in the lower elementary grades and dealing with issues of refugees and being new to a country. The story was told on a level that young readers could understand.
3. *The main character was endearing and such a sweet child. It was wonderful to read about someone who so wanted to include and get to know another person.
4. *Even though the focus of refugees and being separated from loved ones was a serious one, the author did a wonderful job of including humor and light moments throughout the story.
5. *The themes of friendship, survival, acceptance, and countless others are spread out on each and every page of this important story.
Who Should Read It: What I appreciate about this book is that it could be shared with students in grade two through six. The plot unfolds in a way that all of these readers/listeners could understand the importance of understanding what it is truly like to be a refugee. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Me and Sam-Sam Handle the Apocalypse by Susan Vaught
How I Heard About It: I know I have seen readers commenting and chatting online about this new middle-grade novel. I was thrilled when I received a copy of the book from the publisher. This today's #bookaday.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Jesse (spelled with the male version because of her uncle) doesn't necessary fit in at school, but she sure has a special spot with her little four-legged friend Sam-Sam.
2. *Jesse lives with her school teacher father and her great aunt Gus. Her mother is in the military and is deployed far from home.
3. *Because of Jesse being "different", she doesn't have any friends. That is why she is thrilled when she meets Springer in her special "clubhouse" out in the woods. The two of them share similarities with their personalities, tendencies, and social interactions.
4. *After Jesse's father is accused and arrested for stealing money from the school, she and Springer decide to take on the investigation on their own and find the real culprit.
5. *The two of them must face the three "jerk-faces", some high-school kids, and even some administrators during their quest for the truth.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *What I noticed right from the get-go was the format of the story. The plot is told from two time periods. The first one is the present time during a storm; while the second one is the prior seven days.
2. *I was taken in by Jesse and her personality, likes/dislikes, and how she interacted with the other characters.
3. *I'm so glad that Susan Vaught decided to include Springer in the story. He was such a special young boy and brought so much to Jesse's life.
4. *The story had so many rich aspects to it: relationships, acceptance, strength, and friendship.
5. *There is a mystery to the story which was intriguing, but I found the connections that the characters had really drove the entire plot.
Who Should Read It: I know that I will book-talk this novel in the fall of 2019. I think it is perfect for fourth grade readers. Strong third grade readers could also handle the story. Of course, fifth and sixth graders would enjoy the story just as much. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Jesse (spelled with the male version because of her uncle) doesn't necessary fit in at school, but she sure has a special spot with her little four-legged friend Sam-Sam.
2. *Jesse lives with her school teacher father and her great aunt Gus. Her mother is in the military and is deployed far from home.
3. *Because of Jesse being "different", she doesn't have any friends. That is why she is thrilled when she meets Springer in her special "clubhouse" out in the woods. The two of them share similarities with their personalities, tendencies, and social interactions.
4. *After Jesse's father is accused and arrested for stealing money from the school, she and Springer decide to take on the investigation on their own and find the real culprit.
5. *The two of them must face the three "jerk-faces", some high-school kids, and even some administrators during their quest for the truth.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *What I noticed right from the get-go was the format of the story. The plot is told from two time periods. The first one is the present time during a storm; while the second one is the prior seven days.
2. *I was taken in by Jesse and her personality, likes/dislikes, and how she interacted with the other characters.
3. *I'm so glad that Susan Vaught decided to include Springer in the story. He was such a special young boy and brought so much to Jesse's life.
4. *The story had so many rich aspects to it: relationships, acceptance, strength, and friendship.
5. *There is a mystery to the story which was intriguing, but I found the connections that the characters had really drove the entire plot.
Who Should Read It: I know that I will book-talk this novel in the fall of 2019. I think it is perfect for fourth grade readers. Strong third grade readers could also handle the story. Of course, fifth and sixth graders would enjoy the story just as much. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Wonder Wednesday #271 (COMING Soon)
Wonder Wednesday - An INSIDE Look (Season #SIX)
*When I began this blog back in the summer of 2012, I had no idea what would come of it or where it would go.
*Some features have stayed. Some have gone. Some new ones have been added.
*My favorite "feature" of the blog is "An Inside Look".
*I've had the pleasure of interviewing some of the most wonderful authors. It has been a complete thrill and honor to feature the authors, their characters, and their books.
*As I wrapped up my 28th year of teaching, I also brought the fifth season of "An Inside Look" to a close. The end of the school year got busy and I became a bit behind on my reading.
*I took a short break from the interview feature, but I'm so excited to announce that it will be back for season #six with brand new novels, brand new authors, and brand new interviews.
*The first interview for the new season will be with one of the BEST middle-grade authors. His newest novel came out this spring and it is a GREAT one. Everything he writes is pretty top-notch.
*Look for that interview on Monday, July 1st.
*Here is a link to the first ninety-one interviews I've done during season #one through #five...
An Inside Look
*As a sneak peak, here are just a few authors that will be featured at the start of season #SIX...
*When I began this blog back in the summer of 2012, I had no idea what would come of it or where it would go.
*Some features have stayed. Some have gone. Some new ones have been added.
*My favorite "feature" of the blog is "An Inside Look".
*I've had the pleasure of interviewing some of the most wonderful authors. It has been a complete thrill and honor to feature the authors, their characters, and their books.
*As I wrapped up my 28th year of teaching, I also brought the fifth season of "An Inside Look" to a close. The end of the school year got busy and I became a bit behind on my reading.
*I took a short break from the interview feature, but I'm so excited to announce that it will be back for season #six with brand new novels, brand new authors, and brand new interviews.
*The first interview for the new season will be with one of the BEST middle-grade authors. His newest novel came out this spring and it is a GREAT one. Everything he writes is pretty top-notch.
*Look for that interview on Monday, July 1st.
*Here is a link to the first ninety-one interviews I've done during season #one through #five...
An Inside Look
*As a sneak peak, here are just a few authors that will be featured at the start of season #SIX...
Cynthia Lord (Author of Because of the Rabbit)
John David Anderson (Author of Finding Orion)
Lisa Thompson (Author of The Light Jar)
Donna Gephart (Author of Paris Project)
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Orange for the Sunsets by Tina Athaide
How I Heard About It: I have been following the many positive and rave reviews about this new middle-grade novel. I was thrilled when I received it in the mail and couldn't wait to open the book and read the story for myself. I'm participating in Donalyn Miller's #bookaday and this particular novel was literally a book a day since I started and finished the entire novel yesterday.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Asha is a young Indian girl living in Uganda in 1972. Her family is well off and she is enjoying her life and friendship with Yesofu.
2. *Yesofu is African and not as well off as Asha's family. His mother works for his family. Despite their differences, Yesofu and Asha are the best of friends.
3. *In 1972, Idi Amin has taken control of Uganda and has major plans for the country. He wants all Indians out of his country in ninety days. Asha and her family hope that doesn't include them.
4. *As the ninety days progress, Asha and Yesofu's friendship is put to the test because of the conflicts in their country and their loyalty to each other.
5. *Each much make some difficult choices and take action to not only defend their own identity, but the identity of their best friend.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I was about five years old in 1972, but I do remember hearing the name Idi Amin in the news. I didn't know much about this time and "event" in history, so this reading experience was fascinating.
2. *Once I began the story, I had a very hard time stopping. I was drawn into both Asha and Yesofu's lives and what they were dealing with.
3. *As a reader, I enjoy short chapters in both middle-grade and adult novels. I know my own students think the same way. I'm not sure why this is, but it makes the reading experience go faster and more smoothly. I also find myself saying "one more chapter".
4. *It was disturbing and horrific to read about real events in this fictional account of life in Uganda during 1972. I could feel the conflict and struggle with both Asha and Yesofu.
5. The story contained a wide variety of characters from those that are heart-warming and endearing to those the reader has a hard time reading about. The characters made this story TICK!
Who Should Read It: I'm already thinking of sharing this novel with my fourth graders during our historical fiction unit. I know they will be as absorbed in the plot as I was. The book would be appropriate to share in grades four through six as well as middle-school. I also know that adults that enjoy middle-grade stories will absolutely love this story as much as I did. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Asha is a young Indian girl living in Uganda in 1972. Her family is well off and she is enjoying her life and friendship with Yesofu.
2. *Yesofu is African and not as well off as Asha's family. His mother works for his family. Despite their differences, Yesofu and Asha are the best of friends.
3. *In 1972, Idi Amin has taken control of Uganda and has major plans for the country. He wants all Indians out of his country in ninety days. Asha and her family hope that doesn't include them.
4. *As the ninety days progress, Asha and Yesofu's friendship is put to the test because of the conflicts in their country and their loyalty to each other.
5. *Each much make some difficult choices and take action to not only defend their own identity, but the identity of their best friend.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I was about five years old in 1972, but I do remember hearing the name Idi Amin in the news. I didn't know much about this time and "event" in history, so this reading experience was fascinating.
2. *Once I began the story, I had a very hard time stopping. I was drawn into both Asha and Yesofu's lives and what they were dealing with.
3. *As a reader, I enjoy short chapters in both middle-grade and adult novels. I know my own students think the same way. I'm not sure why this is, but it makes the reading experience go faster and more smoothly. I also find myself saying "one more chapter".
4. *It was disturbing and horrific to read about real events in this fictional account of life in Uganda during 1972. I could feel the conflict and struggle with both Asha and Yesofu.
5. The story contained a wide variety of characters from those that are heart-warming and endearing to those the reader has a hard time reading about. The characters made this story TICK!
Who Should Read It: I'm already thinking of sharing this novel with my fourth graders during our historical fiction unit. I know they will be as absorbed in the plot as I was. The book would be appropriate to share in grades four through six as well as middle-school. I also know that adults that enjoy middle-grade stories will absolutely love this story as much as I did. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Tree of Dreams by Laura Resau
How I Heard About It: I knew nothing of this book, but when I received a copy in the mail from the publisher, I was curious about both the title and the cover. This was my #bookaday for Monday, June 17, 2019.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Coco has the perfect name. She loves chocolate and works in her mother's chocolate shop.
2. *She and her best friend, well former BF, had a falling out; but both share a love of chocolate, candy, and creations.
3. *When a chocolate making contest hits town, both Coco and Leo enter.
4. *To their surprise, they both win. The grand prize is a trip to the Amazon Rain Forest.
5. *At first, it appears it will be a pleasure trip with their moms. After reaching their destination, both Coco and Leo realize there are people, trees, and world issues that need their attention and help.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I was drawn into the story right away because of the chocolate and candy store focus. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I loved the descriptions of the different chocolate creations.
2. *The relationship between Coco and Leo was well developed and I enjoyed reading about their journey from former friends to two young people who come together to solve some pretty big problems.
3. *I enjoyed the character of the grandfather and learning about his back story. Plus, his character brought a surprise or two for Coco and Leo.
4. *The setting of the rain forest was described in such vivid detail that I could picture myself right there in the center of things.
5. *In my opinion, it is important for young readers to experience stories when children can make an impact and/or difference on the world in which they live.
Who Should Read It: After reading Tree of Dreams, I think it would be best to put the novel in the hands of a fifth and/or sixth grade reader. The story is long at over 300 pages. The chapters are also long in length. The reader should definitely have some strong reading stamina. Middle-school readers would also be able to relate to the characters of Coco and Leo. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Coco has the perfect name. She loves chocolate and works in her mother's chocolate shop.
2. *She and her best friend, well former BF, had a falling out; but both share a love of chocolate, candy, and creations.
3. *When a chocolate making contest hits town, both Coco and Leo enter.
4. *To their surprise, they both win. The grand prize is a trip to the Amazon Rain Forest.
5. *At first, it appears it will be a pleasure trip with their moms. After reaching their destination, both Coco and Leo realize there are people, trees, and world issues that need their attention and help.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I was drawn into the story right away because of the chocolate and candy store focus. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I loved the descriptions of the different chocolate creations.
2. *The relationship between Coco and Leo was well developed and I enjoyed reading about their journey from former friends to two young people who come together to solve some pretty big problems.
3. *I enjoyed the character of the grandfather and learning about his back story. Plus, his character brought a surprise or two for Coco and Leo.
4. *The setting of the rain forest was described in such vivid detail that I could picture myself right there in the center of things.
5. *In my opinion, it is important for young readers to experience stories when children can make an impact and/or difference on the world in which they live.
Who Should Read It: After reading Tree of Dreams, I think it would be best to put the novel in the hands of a fifth and/or sixth grade reader. The story is long at over 300 pages. The chapters are also long in length. The reader should definitely have some strong reading stamina. Middle-school readers would also be able to relate to the characters of Coco and Leo. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Monday, June 17, 2019
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (6/17/19)

Thanks to Jen and Kellee for hosting this idea on their site. Here is a link to the site...
Books I Read this Past Week…

Finding Orion by John David Anderson
*Middle-Grade Novel (5 STARS out of 5 Stars)
Bone Hollow by Kim Ventrella
*Middle-Grade Novel (4 STARS out of 5 Stars)
Shine by J.J. and Chris Grabenstein
*Middle-Grade Novel (5 STARS out of 5 Stars)
All of Me by Chris Baron
*Middle-Grade Novel (4 STARS out of 5 Stars)
Genesis Begins Again by Alicia D. Williams
*Middle-Grade Novel (4 STARS out of 5 Stars)

Birthday by Meredith Russo
*Young-Adult Novel (5 STARS out of 5 Stars)
Books I Will (continue to) Read this Week…
Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane
*My Novel Published for Adults
Tree of Dreams by Laura Resau
*My Middle-Grade Novel
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Birthday by Meredith Russo
How I Heard About It: I can't remember where I read the review, but it was a stellar one so I ordered this young-adult novel from Amazon and pretty much read the entire book yesterday and last night. It kept me up WAY past my bedtime.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Eric and Morgan were born on the same day in the same hospital. Their families were also "trapped" in the hospital because of a storm. It was that experience that bonded these two families and their two boys.
2. *Each year the two boys celebrate their birthdays. At first they celebrate as families, but after one of the mothers dies, the celebrations become mostly between Eric and Morgan.
3. *Eric lives with his parents and two older brothers. They are pretty well off and he is destined to be great as a football player.
4. *Morgan lives with just his dad in a trailer. They are surviving day to day after the loss of Morgan's mother; but things haven't been quite the same since her death.
5. *Morgan has a secret which he struggles with from the ages of thirteen to eighteen. As much as he would like to share the secret with his best friend Eric, he just can't bring himself to do it. The stress of what he is keeping to himself, has a great impact on himself, his best friend, and both families.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *As I mentioned above, once I started the novel I could not stop reading. I absolutely love when I find a story that I can't stop reading. I think I finished the book at about 1:00 AM and then had a hard time falling asleep because I couldn't get Eric and Morgan out of my head.
2. *The story is told on the boys' birthdays from the ages of thirteen to eighteen. Within each section/birthday; the reader gets a glimpse into that day from the point of view of Eric and Morgan. This format created a very personal and intimate feel to the story.
3. *I must say that Meredith Russo did a terrific job of writing about each boy's journey during some very difficult years. I definitely got to know them on a very deep level.
4. *There were some difficult scenes to read, but it reminded me of what teenagers go through when not only dealing with day to day life, but when faced with some major decisions and choices.
5. *I thought the story was real, true, and authentic. I didn't know a lot about some of the topics presented throughout the story; but after reading this book, I now feel a bit more knowledgeable.
Who Should Read It: I not only would recommend this title to all young adult readers, but I will also be sharing with my adult reader friends. The plot is captivating. The characters are endearing. The feelings you will experience will shatter your heart. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Eric and Morgan were born on the same day in the same hospital. Their families were also "trapped" in the hospital because of a storm. It was that experience that bonded these two families and their two boys.
2. *Each year the two boys celebrate their birthdays. At first they celebrate as families, but after one of the mothers dies, the celebrations become mostly between Eric and Morgan.
3. *Eric lives with his parents and two older brothers. They are pretty well off and he is destined to be great as a football player.
4. *Morgan lives with just his dad in a trailer. They are surviving day to day after the loss of Morgan's mother; but things haven't been quite the same since her death.
5. *Morgan has a secret which he struggles with from the ages of thirteen to eighteen. As much as he would like to share the secret with his best friend Eric, he just can't bring himself to do it. The stress of what he is keeping to himself, has a great impact on himself, his best friend, and both families.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *As I mentioned above, once I started the novel I could not stop reading. I absolutely love when I find a story that I can't stop reading. I think I finished the book at about 1:00 AM and then had a hard time falling asleep because I couldn't get Eric and Morgan out of my head.
2. *The story is told on the boys' birthdays from the ages of thirteen to eighteen. Within each section/birthday; the reader gets a glimpse into that day from the point of view of Eric and Morgan. This format created a very personal and intimate feel to the story.
3. *I must say that Meredith Russo did a terrific job of writing about each boy's journey during some very difficult years. I definitely got to know them on a very deep level.
4. *There were some difficult scenes to read, but it reminded me of what teenagers go through when not only dealing with day to day life, but when faced with some major decisions and choices.
5. *I thought the story was real, true, and authentic. I didn't know a lot about some of the topics presented throughout the story; but after reading this book, I now feel a bit more knowledgeable.
Who Should Read It: I not only would recommend this title to all young adult readers, but I will also be sharing with my adult reader friends. The plot is captivating. The characters are endearing. The feelings you will experience will shatter your heart. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Shine by J. J. and Chris Grabenstein
How I Heard About It: Over the years I've gotten to know several publishing reps during different conventions. One of my favorites is from Penguin Random House. It is always a thrill when I see her on the convention floor. We have great conversations and she always sends me away with a handful of new books. She recently sent me this ARC with a personal rave review.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Piper and her father both attend the public school. Piper doesn't think she has many talents, but her father is the director of a singing group with aspirations to write a Broadway show.
2. *Piper's mother was also a "star" with talents, but died she Piper was young.
3. *When Piper's father gets a new position at a prestigious private school, he brings Piper along because she can attend for free.
4. *Piper finds it difficult to fit in with the new crowd and tries to remain tied to her former crowd.
5. *As she finds new friends who "get" her, Piper makes it her mission to "SHINE" and become someone that her father, her mother, and she can be proud of.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I pretty much love everything that Chris Grabenstein does. It was interesting to learn that this newest novel was written in partnership with his wife. After reading this wonderful story, I hope they have more projects planned to write together.
2. *The story of Piper, her father, and everyone she comes in contact with was engaging, thought-provoking, and quite entertaining.
3. *I enjoyed that the chapters were short. I think this is an important element for young readers. Actually, even as an adult reader, I prefer novels with short chapters.
4. *The theme of everyone "shining" was presented in a new and fresh way. I know young readers will be able to relate to Piper and the other characters as well.
5. *One of the best aspects of the story was the antagonist for Piper. Every reader loves to "hate" that one character.
Who Should Read It: This novel comes out in November 2019 and it is absolutely perfect for every reader in grades three through six. It would also make for a great read aloud in grades two through six. I personally can't wait to share the novel with my new fourth grade class next fall. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Piper and her father both attend the public school. Piper doesn't think she has many talents, but her father is the director of a singing group with aspirations to write a Broadway show.
2. *Piper's mother was also a "star" with talents, but died she Piper was young.
3. *When Piper's father gets a new position at a prestigious private school, he brings Piper along because she can attend for free.
4. *Piper finds it difficult to fit in with the new crowd and tries to remain tied to her former crowd.
5. *As she finds new friends who "get" her, Piper makes it her mission to "SHINE" and become someone that her father, her mother, and she can be proud of.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I pretty much love everything that Chris Grabenstein does. It was interesting to learn that this newest novel was written in partnership with his wife. After reading this wonderful story, I hope they have more projects planned to write together.
2. *The story of Piper, her father, and everyone she comes in contact with was engaging, thought-provoking, and quite entertaining.
3. *I enjoyed that the chapters were short. I think this is an important element for young readers. Actually, even as an adult reader, I prefer novels with short chapters.
4. *The theme of everyone "shining" was presented in a new and fresh way. I know young readers will be able to relate to Piper and the other characters as well.
5. *One of the best aspects of the story was the antagonist for Piper. Every reader loves to "hate" that one character.
Who Should Read It: This novel comes out in November 2019 and it is absolutely perfect for every reader in grades three through six. It would also make for a great read aloud in grades two through six. I personally can't wait to share the novel with my new fourth grade class next fall. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Bone Hollow by Kim Ventrella
How I Heard About It: I remember reading Skeleton Tree a few years back and enjoying the story. When I received this copy of Kim Ventrella's new novel, I was excited to jump in and see what this story had in store for me.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Gabe has lost his gramps, his mother, and his father. That leaves him living with Miss Cleo and her chicken.
2. *When the chicken ends up on the roof, Gabe is the one sent to rescue it. Unfortunately a storm hits, and Gabe is thrown from the roof to his "death". Or was he?
3. *After Gabe wakes up in Miss Cleo's room, he can't figure out why he can see and hear everyone, but they can't see or hear him.
4. *When he realizes he has left the life he knew, Gabe finds himself alone with his dog searching for answers.
5. *Some of the answers come from a new friend Wynne, who is also living in this "after-life". The two of them learn about life, death, and your role in the universe.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *After reading both of Kim Ventrella's novels, I've come to realize she writes a unique and captivating story.
2. *As much as the story began a bit light-hearted and humorous, the plot does take a turn toward the "dark" and "eerie" side. But through it all, the author keeps it very kid friendly and appropriate.
3. *One element I enjoyed most, was the relationship between Gabe and his dog. I'm a dog person myself. so any story that focuses on a human and his dog is going to be a winner in my book.
4. *The adventure Gabe took was fascinating, mysterious, and full of twists and turns. There were a few sections when I was a bit confused on where and what Gabe and Wynne were doing.
5. *I appreciated the life-lessons the author included and the characters that grew and changed throughout the story.
Who Should Read It: This new novel would be best suited for readers in grades five/six or middle school. The plot can be a bit complex so I think the reader should be in the upper grades. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Gabe has lost his gramps, his mother, and his father. That leaves him living with Miss Cleo and her chicken.
2. *When the chicken ends up on the roof, Gabe is the one sent to rescue it. Unfortunately a storm hits, and Gabe is thrown from the roof to his "death". Or was he?
3. *After Gabe wakes up in Miss Cleo's room, he can't figure out why he can see and hear everyone, but they can't see or hear him.
4. *When he realizes he has left the life he knew, Gabe finds himself alone with his dog searching for answers.
5. *Some of the answers come from a new friend Wynne, who is also living in this "after-life". The two of them learn about life, death, and your role in the universe.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *After reading both of Kim Ventrella's novels, I've come to realize she writes a unique and captivating story.
2. *As much as the story began a bit light-hearted and humorous, the plot does take a turn toward the "dark" and "eerie" side. But through it all, the author keeps it very kid friendly and appropriate.
3. *One element I enjoyed most, was the relationship between Gabe and his dog. I'm a dog person myself. so any story that focuses on a human and his dog is going to be a winner in my book.
4. *The adventure Gabe took was fascinating, mysterious, and full of twists and turns. There were a few sections when I was a bit confused on where and what Gabe and Wynne were doing.
5. *I appreciated the life-lessons the author included and the characters that grew and changed throughout the story.
Who Should Read It: This new novel would be best suited for readers in grades five/six or middle school. The plot can be a bit complex so I think the reader should be in the upper grades. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Thursday, June 13, 2019
All of Me by Chris Baron
How I Heard About It: The time is here for summer reading. That means more book exchanging with my Twitter #bookexpedition group. This was the first book that came to via my Nerdy peeps. I read it this afternoon and enjoyed the story.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Ari's story was told in verse. The writing was beautiful and full of imagery.
2. *He is struggling with his self worth and most of this stems from his body weight. Ari has always been heavy and life hasn't been easy because of this.
3. *Not only does Ari have to deal with his weight, but he is noticing things are "different" between his parents.
4. *The story takes place during the summer after seventh grade and the start up of eighth grade. Ari wants it to be a summer of "change" and get his life back on track.
4. *Ari takes this journey of change with several friends. Some of which have a positive impact and some may have a negative one.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I was thrilled to receive this novel from #bookexpedition. I had seen positive reviews, loved the title, and thought the cover was beautiful.
2. *The reading experience was a refreshing change because I haven't read a novel in verse in quite some time.
3. *I'm glad that this story is out in the world as most "weight" issue stories focus on females. It was refreshing to read about a boy experiencing these types of problems.
4. *'Ari was one character that was real, flawed, and one the reader could sympathize with.
5. *The themes/messages/lessons of the story are a bit more on the mature side. When I was reading it as a middle grade story, I felt it was too mature. After changing my view point and looking at it more for the middle-school and/or high school reader, I enjoyed it more.
Who Should Read It: The book is marketed for readers in grades 3-7, but after reading it, I think it would have more appeal for a reader in grades six and above. I think those readers would be able to relate to Ari on a deeper level. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Ari's story was told in verse. The writing was beautiful and full of imagery.
2. *He is struggling with his self worth and most of this stems from his body weight. Ari has always been heavy and life hasn't been easy because of this.
3. *Not only does Ari have to deal with his weight, but he is noticing things are "different" between his parents.
4. *The story takes place during the summer after seventh grade and the start up of eighth grade. Ari wants it to be a summer of "change" and get his life back on track.
4. *Ari takes this journey of change with several friends. Some of which have a positive impact and some may have a negative one.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *I was thrilled to receive this novel from #bookexpedition. I had seen positive reviews, loved the title, and thought the cover was beautiful.
2. *The reading experience was a refreshing change because I haven't read a novel in verse in quite some time.
3. *I'm glad that this story is out in the world as most "weight" issue stories focus on females. It was refreshing to read about a boy experiencing these types of problems.
4. *'Ari was one character that was real, flawed, and one the reader could sympathize with.
5. *The themes/messages/lessons of the story are a bit more on the mature side. When I was reading it as a middle grade story, I felt it was too mature. After changing my view point and looking at it more for the middle-school and/or high school reader, I enjoyed it more.
Who Should Read It: The book is marketed for readers in grades 3-7, but after reading it, I think it would have more appeal for a reader in grades six and above. I think those readers would be able to relate to Ari on a deeper level. Happy Reading!
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Genesis Begins Again by Alicia D. Williams
How I Heard About It: This middle-grade novel has been getting lots of buzz so I was excited when I got my own copy. The novel is long at 364 pages so it took me a few summer days to complete it.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Life for a pre-teen can be difficult. But when you don't like yourself, it can be even more of time of turmoil.
2. *Genesis is frustrated with her situation because she and her parents continue to have to move homes because they can't pay their rent.
3. *After their most recent move, Genesis begins a new school and so wants to fit in with the other kids. Her self-esteem is low and she hates the color of her dark skin.
4. *After a few rough starts, Genesis meets two other kids that accept her for herself. She is exposed to new ways of life and becomes exciting for the possibilities for herself.
5. *This new start proves to be more difficult when she must face tough issues at home with her mother, father, and grandmother. Most of all, she must deal with her own self-worth and coming to terms with her identity.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *This was a powerful and meaningful story about growing up and learning to love yourself.
2. *There were moments when I was reading about Genesis and how she felt about herself that my heart just hurt for her.
3. *The story was eye-opening and heart-wrenching at what families must face in making ends meet in America.
4. *I think the author did a phenomenal job of representing each character, their situation, and how they react to what they are faced with.
5. *The story was on the longer side and presented some tough and mature themes. I think the novel could work for either a mature and older reader and/or an adult reader.
Who Should Read It: I think the novel could work for either a mature and older reader and/or an adult reader. I would say the reader should be in grades five or above. The story is a long one so the reader definitely needs to have some strong stamina.
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Life for a pre-teen can be difficult. But when you don't like yourself, it can be even more of time of turmoil.
2. *Genesis is frustrated with her situation because she and her parents continue to have to move homes because they can't pay their rent.
3. *After their most recent move, Genesis begins a new school and so wants to fit in with the other kids. Her self-esteem is low and she hates the color of her dark skin.
4. *After a few rough starts, Genesis meets two other kids that accept her for herself. She is exposed to new ways of life and becomes exciting for the possibilities for herself.
5. *This new start proves to be more difficult when she must face tough issues at home with her mother, father, and grandmother. Most of all, she must deal with her own self-worth and coming to terms with her identity.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *This was a powerful and meaningful story about growing up and learning to love yourself.
2. *There were moments when I was reading about Genesis and how she felt about herself that my heart just hurt for her.
3. *The story was eye-opening and heart-wrenching at what families must face in making ends meet in America.
4. *I think the author did a phenomenal job of representing each character, their situation, and how they react to what they are faced with.
5. *The story was on the longer side and presented some tough and mature themes. I think the novel could work for either a mature and older reader and/or an adult reader.
Who Should Read It: I think the novel could work for either a mature and older reader and/or an adult reader. I would say the reader should be in grades five or above. The story is a long one so the reader definitely needs to have some strong stamina.
Rating: 4 STARS out of 5 Stars!
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Wonder Wednesday #270 (Classroom Favorites)
Wonder Wednesday - And the WINNER Is...
*Last week I featured our favorite #classroombookaday picks for the 2018/2019 school year.
*Here are some of the other "categories" that I had the students in my class rank and put in order from their most favorite to their least favorite.
*They had a great time taking the different surveys and viewing the results.
*Last week I featured our favorite #classroombookaday picks for the 2018/2019 school year.
*Here are some of the other "categories" that I had the students in my class rank and put in order from their most favorite to their least favorite.
*They had a great time taking the different surveys and viewing the results.
Our Favorite Math Schoology Assignments
Our Favorite Homeroom Schoology Assignments
Our Favorite Classroom Activities
Our Favorite "Breakfast with Books" Book Club Selections
Our Favorite Class Read Aloud Selections
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Finding Orion by John David Anderson
How I Heard About It: I am a huge fan of John David Anderson and his collection of books. I was thrilled when I found out he had a new novel coming out in May of 2019. Once I started I could not stop reading. This was my first middle-grade novel for my summer reading and oh what a read it was.
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Families can be a funny thing. Each family has it own "quirks" and the Kwirk family definitely has their own.
2. *No one in the family has more "eccentricities" than Papa Kwirk who is Orion's grandfather.
3. *When the family learns of Papa Kwirk's passing, they pack up the car and head to their grandfather's home where his sister lives and has planned his funeral.
4. *Orion is fascinated with his family dynamics and wants to learn as much as he can about his Papa. He knows his father and grandfather are different, but has no idea how much.
5. *After a unique and fascinating funeral, the Kwirks are sent on a special scavenger hunt where they learn all about Papa Kwirk and what he held close to his heart and mind.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *One of my most favorite parts of life is starting a new novel that you hope is GREAT, and when you start that story, you can tell it is going to be one heck of a read. That happened with this book.
2. *I enjoyed all the funny, strange, and wacky aspects of the Kwirk family. There were several occasions when I was laughing out loud and rereading parts to take it in again.
3. *Despite the light-hearted and humorous moments, there were also many important and tender life-lessons. Most of these came from discovery the "ins" and "outs" of Orion's father and grandfather.
4. *One of my favorite characters in the story was the great aunt. I could totally visualize her in my head and would so enjoy hanging out with her.
5. *The entire journey that the family took while discovering the "true" Papa Kwirk was heart warming, important, and emotional. I loved every bit of it!
Who Should Read It: This novel is going to be a wonderful addition to my John David Anderson section of my classroom library. I think the book could be handled by a fourth, fifth, and/or sixth grade reader. It is a bit longer of a story, so the reader will definitely need some stamina. I'm thinking it would make for a terrific class read aloud. It is on my long list for possibilities for read alouds during the 2019/20 school year. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
What It Is About - FIVE Things You Need to Know:
1. *Families can be a funny thing. Each family has it own "quirks" and the Kwirk family definitely has their own.
2. *No one in the family has more "eccentricities" than Papa Kwirk who is Orion's grandfather.
3. *When the family learns of Papa Kwirk's passing, they pack up the car and head to their grandfather's home where his sister lives and has planned his funeral.
4. *Orion is fascinated with his family dynamics and wants to learn as much as he can about his Papa. He knows his father and grandfather are different, but has no idea how much.
5. *After a unique and fascinating funeral, the Kwirks are sent on a special scavenger hunt where they learn all about Papa Kwirk and what he held close to his heart and mind.
What I Thought Of It - Five Observations/Reflections:
1. *One of my most favorite parts of life is starting a new novel that you hope is GREAT, and when you start that story, you can tell it is going to be one heck of a read. That happened with this book.
2. *I enjoyed all the funny, strange, and wacky aspects of the Kwirk family. There were several occasions when I was laughing out loud and rereading parts to take it in again.
3. *Despite the light-hearted and humorous moments, there were also many important and tender life-lessons. Most of these came from discovery the "ins" and "outs" of Orion's father and grandfather.
4. *One of my favorite characters in the story was the great aunt. I could totally visualize her in my head and would so enjoy hanging out with her.
5. *The entire journey that the family took while discovering the "true" Papa Kwirk was heart warming, important, and emotional. I loved every bit of it!
Who Should Read It: This novel is going to be a wonderful addition to my John David Anderson section of my classroom library. I think the book could be handled by a fourth, fifth, and/or sixth grade reader. It is a bit longer of a story, so the reader will definitely need some stamina. I'm thinking it would make for a terrific class read aloud. It is on my long list for possibilities for read alouds during the 2019/20 school year. Happy Reading!
Rating: 5 STARS out of 5 Stars!
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