*As different as this year is, and will continue to be, there are certain elements and times of our day that I don't want to change one bit.
*I've always valued our writing and reading time in the classroom.
*It may look different, but the intention is the same.
*From day one, we started choosing our own books. Normally, they would have also picked their own "comfy" reading spot, but this year we are spending our independent reading time in the SAME spot we spend the whole day.
*Luckily for me, the fourth grade readers have been adaptable and haven't complained at all.
*Over a couple of days (I have 11 kids one day and 10 kids the second day) I wandered the room with my iPhone in hand, and caught some incredible images of the readers in ACTION. I could look at the pictures all day. They make me so happy.
*For the first round of choosing books, I think they did a stellar job and found some top-notch titles!!!
*Here are the readers I have the honor of working with this year...

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