Wonder Wednesday - Abby Cooper Visit
*With all the requirements, mandates, and "testing"we have to do as educators; I hold on closely to some of the "stuff" that creates memories and authentic learning for my students.
*My most favorite activity with my students is our "Breakfast with Books" book club. The book club brings me pure joy and I love seeing my students interacting with authors.
*So far this year we have enjoyed the following books/authors...
The Quirks by Erin Soderberg
The Shadow Hand by Kat Shepherd
Lemons by Melissa Savage
*The readers in the book club were excited to host Abby Cooper to discuss her novels Sticks and Stones along with Bubbles. Some of the children read one of her novels while others had the time to read both books.
*On Thursday, January 24th we welcomed Abby to our classroom where we enjoyed some breakfast treats, shared our comments, and ask questions.
*What a joy it is to be able to host talented authors and watch them interact.
*Thank you to Abby for your time, your talent, and your incredible stories!