Wonder Wednesday - Closing out the SPACE
*On Wednesday, May 27th I headed back to my classroom space.
*I had not been there since Tuesday, March 17th.
*It was a bit of a surreal moment. Distance learning/teaching was nothing I had ever given a second of thought before that last day in my room in March.
*I still have eight days left with my students, but I'm done out at the building until, well until we don't know.
*As I packed, cleaned, and sorted I was filled with such emotion.
*For 29 years, I ended the year with my students. Doing it without them didn't feel right. It fact, it felt completely wrong.
*I'm not sure I would classify this event as a wonder, but I am in WONDER of my students and how we have all worked together to make this "new normal" as positive as we could.
*Here is my last "tour" of my 2019/2020 physical classroom...