Fourth Grade Journey

A Fourth Grade Teacher's Journey Through the World of Books

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

An Inside Look #170 (Author INTERVIEW)

An Inside Look with Donna Gephart)
(Author of Abby, Tried and True)

*Welcome to my favorite feature of my blog.  

*Season #ONE (June of 2016 to March of 2017)

*Season #TWO (Summer of 2017)

*Season #THREE (School Year 2017/2018)

Season #FOUR
 (Summer/fall of 2018)

*Season #FIVE (School Year 2018/2019)

*Season #SIX (Summer 2019) 

*Season #SEVEN (Fall 2019) 

*Season #EIGHT (Winter/Spring 2020)

*Season #NINE (Fall 2020)

*I'm excited to be back for season #TEN with brand new interviews/authors.  

*It has been such an honor to connect with authors and "chat" about their novel, characters, and thoughts about the story.

*This is the THIRTEENTH interview in which I'm calling Season #TEN.  

*Thank you to Donna Gephart for being the One-Hundred Seventieth author I've had the pleasure of interviewing.  I truly appreciate it.

Abby, Tried and True

by Donna Gephart

(March 9, 2021)

How did you come to know Abby?
Susan Cain did a wonderful TED talk: The Power of Introverts. It made me think of the Stephen Hawking quote: “Quiet people have the loudest minds.” That was the spark for Abby’s character — a person who would learn the power of her introverted personality.

What do you think is her most admirable quality?
Abby is thoughtful, which makes her deeply empathetic — a perfect quality for helping her brother get through his cancer journey.

Is there anything you wish she would have changed or done differently in her story?
She wishes she were more outgoing in the beginning, but she learns that she’s great just the way she is. We writers need to let our characters stumble and make mistakes, so I can’t wish she would have done things differently or she wouldn’t have learned the things she needed to learn.

What do you think Abby can offer to other children that are experiencing similar situations to what she went through?
This story can help children know they are not alone. I tell the truth in this story about a challenging time, and children who are in similar situations will recognize that truth, and they will feel less alone in their challenges. I think that’s the goal of all of my books — allow young readers to feel seen, understood, more connected and less alone. It’s really something when a young person sees themselves on the page and knows they’re not alone in dealing with a challenging situation.

How did you research
 Abby and the circumstances she found herself in?
I used my personal experience dealing with surgery and treatment for cancer, research about what treatments for cancer look like now, interviews with a young cancer survivor and my imagination.

Do you and Abby share any similarities?
I was surprised to learn that I am also an introvert. Because I enjoy traveling and meeting people, I assumed I was an extrovert. But I’m energized by quiet work environments and long walks in the woods and deep conversations with one person. After time in social situations with lots of people, I feel drained and need to recharge my battery by having quiet time again.

What was the hardest scene to write about her?
The scene that was hard to write turned out to be one of my favorite scenes — when Abby is really angry with her moms for helping her brother throw a good-bye party for his testicle before his surgery. There’s so much emotion in that scene — explosive anger, deep understanding and love — and parts of it are just plain funny.

Who do you think was her biggest supporter and why?
Abby had tons of support. Her brother was always there for her, until he got sick. Then their roles sort of reversed. Her moms, while overwhelmed, tried to be available for her. Her best friend kept in touch from thousands of miles away. Conrad, the new neighbor, turned out to be a great source of support and provided lovely diversions for Abby. Of course, her pet turtle, Fudge, was always there.

*Here are links to the One Hundred Sixty-Nine interviews...

SEASON #ONE (2016-2017)

SEASON #FOUR (Summer 2018)

SEASON #FIVE (2018/2019)

SEASON #SIX (Summer 2019)

SEASON #SEVEN (Fall 2019)

SEASON #EIGHT (Winter/Spring 2020)

Interview #121 with Melissa Savage (Author of Nessie Quest)

Interview #122 with Tamara Bundy (Author of Pixie Pushes On)

Interview #123 with Lindsay Lackey (Author of All the Impossible Things)

Interview #124 with Tae Keller (Author of When You Trap a Tiger)

Interview #125 with Jamie Sumner (Author of Roll With It)

Interview #126 with Hena Khan (Author of More to the Story)

Interview #127 with Phil Bildner (Author of A High-Five for Glenn Burke)

Interview #128 with Leslie Connor (Author of A Home for Goddesses and Dogs)

Interview#129 with Gillian McDunn (Author of Queen Bee and Me)

Interview #130 with Jody J. Little (Author of Worse Than Weird)

Interview #131 with Jenn Bishop (Author of Things You Can't Say)

Interview #132 with Kaela Noel (Author of Coo)

Interview #133 with Rebecca Stead (Author of The List of Things That Will Not Change)

Interview #134 with Gae Polisner (Author of Jack Kerouac is Dead to Me)

Interview #135 with Emily Blejwas (Author of Like Nothing Amazing Ever Happened)

Interview #136 with Joy McCullough (Author of A Field Guide to Getting Lost)

Interview #137 with Kim Baker (Author of the Water Bears)

Interview #138 with Erin Entrada Kelly (Author of We Dream of Space)

Interview #139 with Jess Redman (Author of Quintessence)

Interview #140 with Melanie Conklin (Author of Every Missing Piece)

Interview #141 with Lindsey Stoddard (Author of Brave Like That)

SEASON #NINE (Fall 2020)

SEASON #TEN (Winter/Spring 2021)

Interview #158 with Rebecca Ansari (Author of The In-Between)

Interview #159 with John David Anderson (Author of One Last Shot) 

Interview #160 with Tracy Holczer (Author of Brave in the Woods)

Interview #161 with James Bird (Author of The Brave) 

Interview #162 with Marcella Pixley (Author of Trowbridge Road)

Interview #163 with Barbara O'Connor (Author of Halfway to Harmony)

Interview #164 with Alan Gratz (Author of Ground Zero) 

Interview #165 with Lisa Fipps (Author of Starfish)

Interview #166 with Ann Braden (Author of Flight of the Puffin)

Interview #167 with Kimberly Willis Holt (Author of The Ambassador of NoWhere Texas) 

Interview #168 with Elana K. Arnold (Author of The House That Wasn't There) 

Interview #169 with Erin Soderberg (Author of The Great Peach Experiment)


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